How Could I Sue After Having A Construction Site Accident?

Our guide is written to inform you of how you may be eligible to claim if you have suffered an injury in a construction site accident. We look at some of the kinds of accidents that could occur and the duty of care that you are owed on a construction site.

Construction site accident

Construction site accident guide

You may be wondering how settlements are calculated. This guide will address this and give examples of some of the evidence you could use to support your case.

Furthermore, we will look at No Win No Fee agreements. In addition to this, we address the benefits of working with a lawyer in these kinds of personal injury claims.

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Choose A Section

  1. What Is A Construction Site Accident?
  2. Typical Accidents On Construction Sites
  3. How Do I Prove That Construction Firms Breached Their Duty Of Care?
  4. Valuing Compensation For A Construction Site Accident
  5. Could I Work With A No Win No Fee Lawyer?
  6. Learn More About Construction Site Accidents

What Is A Construction Site Accident?

If you work on a construction site, you could be involved in an accident in which you’re injured. Many types of injuries could potentially occur due to a construction site accident, such as an eye injury. Provided that the accident was caused by the negligence of your employer, you may be able to claim.

When making a personal injury claim for the harm caused by your injuries, you must be able to show that your employer breached their duty of care that they owed you and that this caused you to be injured. You must show that:  

  • A duty of care exists
  • Your employer breached this duty, and an accident occurred as a direct result
  • You sustained injuries as a result of this accident

If you would like to see whether you could be entitled to claim compensation for the harm you were caused, speak with an advisor today. If your claim has a good chance of being successful, they could connect you with a lawyer from our panel.

How Often Do Construction Site Accidents Happen?

The Health and Safety Executive collates reports from employers to produce statistics detailing the frequency of workplace accidents. Some of these reports are collected under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.

Statistics have shown that:

  • There were 59,000 non-fatal work-related injuries as a result of a construction site accident averaged over the 2019/20-2021/22 period
  • The non-fatal injury rate of the latest year was 2880 per 100,000 workers according to the Labour Force Survey
  • Over 2021/22, there were 30 fatal accidents on construction sites

Typical Accidents On Construction Sites

The Health and Safety At Work etc. Act 1974 outlines the duty of care that employers owe. It states that they need to take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safety of their employees. If they breach this duty and it causes you to be injured in a construction site accident, you could be eligible to claim compensation for your suffering.

Some of the things your employer is expected to carry out as part of their duty of care include: 

  • Training. Your employer needs to provide you with the relevant training that you need to do your job safely. 
  • Risk assessments. These should be carried out so that hazards can be identified and removed (or, if they are not able to be removed, they should be reduced and employees should be aware of them). 
  • Maintenance. Equipment such as machinery should be maintained appropriately. Some equipment might need to be maintained less often than others, but this should still be done regularly. 
  • Providing personal protective equipment (PPE). If you need certain equipment to safely carry out your role, then your employer should provide you with this free of charge. 

Below, we have included examples of construction accidents: 

  • A fall from a height, for example, on a building site
  • Slips, trips and falls 
  • Machinery accidents resulting in a crush injury
  • Slips and trips over things such as a wet floor that wasn’t signposted or wires that were trailing and posing a hazard
  • Being struck by a moving object as a result of a forklift that malfunctions 

 You may be eligible to make an accident at work claim if you can establish that the breach of duty led to your construction site accident and the injuries that you sustained.  Get in touch with our team for free legal advice about claiming. 

How Do I Prove That Construction Firms Breached Their Duty Of Care?

When making a claim for your accident on a construction site, evidence will be beneficial when you are building a case. If you have been hurt in an accident, you should: 

  • Get the medical attention you require. This will generate records that can support your case. 
  • Complete the accident book and report the accident to your employer
  • Request access to evidence such as CCTV footage and witness contact details so that a statement can be provided at a later date. 

Having evidence to prove your personal injury claim will be useful in showing that your injuries were caused by negligence. If you would like free legal advice on the evidence you could obtain, speak with an advisor today. 

 Valuing Compensation For A Construction Site Accident

You may be entitled to compensation for your construction site accident. If your claim is successful, you will receive general damages, which cover the pain and suffering caused by your injury. 

The Judicial College Guidelines is a publication which provides legal professionals with guideline compensation brackets for injuries varying in severity. Personal injury claim calculators can also help assess your injury’s value. 

Injury Resulting
From Brain Damage
(a) Very SevereLittle response to environment, little or no language function,
double incontinence, full-time care required.
£282,010 to £403,990
Injury Resulting
From Brain Damage
(b) Moderately SevereSerious disabilities, reliance on others as constant care is required. Cognitive impairments or impact on
personality and intellect.
£219,070 to £282,010
Amputation of Arms(b) (ii) Loss of One Arm Above-elbow amputation.£109,650 to £130,930
Back Injuries(a) (i) Severe Damage to spinal cord leading to severe disability with
incomplete paralysis. Bladder, bowel, and sexual function are affected.
£91,090 to £160,980
Back Injuries(c) (i) MinorFull or nuisance level recovery occurs without surgery and
short-term exacerbation of injuries is between two to five
£7,890 to £12,510
Knee Injuries(a) (i) SevereSerious injury, disruption of joint, significant damage to
ligaments. Pain and loss of function. Osteoarthritis,
arthroplasty or arthrodesis has or is likely to occur.
£69,730 to £96,210
Leg Injuries(b) (ii) Very SeriousPersistent problems with mobility and the requirement for
permanent mobility aids. Multiple fractures taking years to
heal. Extensive treatment and development of arthritis.
£54,830 to £87,890
Shoulder Injuries(a) SevereAssociated with neck injuries. Serious disability from damage to the brachial plexus. £19,200 to £48,030
Ankle Injuries(c) ModerateFractures, tearing of ligaments. Disabilities such as walking
difficulties, struggling to stand for long durations, Trouble
with stairs. Metal plates and scarring remain.
£13,740 to £26,590
Wrist Injuries(c) Less SevereSome permanent disability such as constant pain and
ongoing stiffness/pain.
£12,590 to £24,500

The figures in the table above, as well as those provided by a calculator, should only be used as a guide.

You may also be eligible to claim special damages, which cover the monetary losses you have suffered and may suffer in the future because of your accident. These can cover:

  • Transportation costs to and from hospital or doctors appointments
  • Loss of earnings as a result of missing any days at work
  • Medication costs of anything you had to purchase because of your injury

To prove these financial losses, evidence will be advantageous to your claim for construction site compensation. Forms of evidence can include:

  • Bus or train tickets showing proof of your travel to appointments 
  • Bank statements or payslips to show the impact on your earnings
  • Any items showing the medication or care costs you have had to incur because of your accident at work

Could I Work With A No Win No Fee Lawyer?

Construction site accident solicitors could help you with your claim. They could offer you a No Win No Fee arrangement; a form of this is a Conditional Fee Agreement, which is beneficial as you typically don’t have to pay legal fees for your solicitor’s services if your case is unsuccessful. 

If your case is successful, your solicitor usually takes a dedication from your awards, commonly referred to as a success fee. This is legally capped at an amount, so there is no concern about overcharging.

Furthermore, under this kind of agreement you generally won’t be asked for upfront or ongoing payments. Our advisors can connect you to our panel of solicitors who may offer you a No Win No Fee agreement if they choose to.

Make A Construction Site Accident Claim

If you think your injury was the result of your employer’s negligence, you can start your claim online now. Don’t hesitate to get in contact with us for more guidance or advice about your construction site accident. You can do so by:

Learn More About Construction Site Accidents

If you have found our guide on construction site accident claims useful, please explore more of our guides through the links below: 

If you are looking for further information, please click the external resources below: 

Writer Emily Maine

Publisher Fern Stringer