Are you looking for guidance on claiming leg injury at work compensation? If you were harmed because of a breach of health and safety measures at work, then this guide could help.
This guide will provide details on who could be eligible to start a claim for compensation against a negligent employer. We will also address the forms of evidence you could provide to best support your claim.

Claiming leg injury at work compensation
In addition, we offer an idea of the kinds of damages that you could receive if you are awarded compensation. In addition to this, we address the way in which a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor could help you with the process. Simply read the sections below to find out about making a workplace accident claim. Alternatively, you can get in touch at any point to benefit from the free assessment that we offer. You can:
- Call us for free on 0113 460 1216
- Find out more about making a claim online
- Access our live chat feature below
Choose A Section
- When Are You Eligible To Claim Leg Injury At Work Compensation?
- Tips For Claiming Leg Injury At Work Compensation
- What Leg Injury Compensation Could You Receive?
- Is There A Time Limit To Make A Leg Injury Claim?
- Claim Leg Injury At Work Compensation On A No Win No Fee Basis
- Learn More About Claiming For Employer Negligence
When Are You Eligible To Claim Leg Injury At Work Compensation?
You may be eligible to claim compensation for a leg injury at work if you fulfil three criteria. The first is that can prove your employer owed you a duty of care at the time and location of the accident and injury.
This duty is outlined in the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HASAWA) and it describes a responsibility for employers to do all they reasonably and practicably can to prevent employees from being harmed. This includes such actions as regular risk assessments, providing proper training and risk assessing and maintaining machinery.
For example, you could fall at work because you were made to use a ladder that your employer knew was faulty but allowed you to use anyway. You could sustain multiple fractures in the subsequent warehouse accident.
Secondly, for your claim to be valid you need to show that your employer breached this duty of care in some way. Thirdly, you must demonstrate that this resulted in you suffering physical and/or psychological harm as a direct result.
Leg injuries can affect multiple areas such as the ankle, knee and thighbone. A severe leg injury can be very debilitating and cause permanent issues. If you have sustained a leg injury at work because of negligence, we encourage you to get in touch with any questions on the contact details above.
Tips For Claiming Leg Injury At Work Compensation
Below are some general examples of evidence that you could gather to help support your leg injury compensation claim:
- CCTV footage of the accident and area
- Copies of medical evidence
- A diary that gives an insight into your emotional state
- Photographs of your injuries
- Contact details for any witnesses
- A report from the workplace accident book
A solicitor from our panel could offer further advice on the supporting evidence you could use to build your claim. If you suffered a knee injury or other leg injury because of employer negligence at work, speak to our team to learn more about your options.
What Leg Injury Compensation Could You Receive?
We aren’t able to give you an average compensation award for a leg injury at work; however, we can give you an idea of how settlements in these kinds of claims are valued. Compensation awards in successful personal injury claims can consist of up to two heads of claim. General damages are amounts awarded to account for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused by the injuries.
Legal professionals can use available medical evidence and compare it to injuries that are listed by type and severity in a document called the Judicial College Guidelines. We include an excerpt of this for readers below, but its important to stress that these do not represent compensation guarantees:
Award Brackets
Area of Injury | Severity | Notes | Award Bracket |
Leg | (i) Loss of Both Legs | Cases where both legs are lost above the knee or if one leg has been lost at a high level above the knee and the other below the knee. | £240,790 to £282,010 |
Leg | (ii) Below Knee Loss of Both Legs | Award here depends on phantom pain, level of amputation and psychological problems. | £201,490 to £270,100 |
Leg | (iii) Above Knee Amputation Of One Leg | Compensation will reflect the prevalence of phantom pains and the psychological impact of amputation. | £104,830 to £137,470 |
Leg | (b) Severe (i) Most Serious Short Of Amputation | For example, leg degloving or fractures that fail to unite, necessitating extensive bone grafts. | £31,310 to £50,060 |
Leg | (b) Severe (ii) Very Serious | Injuries that create permanent problems with mobility and the potential need for mobility aids for the rest of the person's life. | £54,830 to £87,890 |
Leg | (a) Serious (iii) | Serious fractures and ligament or joint injury causing instability and a period of non-weight bearing. | £39,200 to £54,830 |
Leg | (b) Moderate (iv) | Complicated or multiple fractures or severe crushes to one limb. | £14,840 to £26,190 |
Leg | (c) Less Serious (i) | The injured person will will have made a reasonable recovery. Remaining issues may be a defective gait or limp as well as sensory loss and discomfort. | £17,960 to £27,760 |
Leg | (c) Less Serious (ii) | Cases of a simple femur fracture without articular surface damage. | £9,110 to £14,080 |
Leg | (c) Less Serious (iii) | Simple tibia and fibula fractures with some minor ongoing issues like dull aching and restricted movement. | Up to £11,840 |
Special Damages After A Workplace Accident
You may have documented proof of associated financial costs caused by your injuries. If so, this could be used as evidence to calculate special damages. Special damages are the head of claim that reimburses you for any financial losses or costs that your injuries have caused. For example, you may have been faced with:
- A loss in earnings
- Medical costs
- Travel expenses
- Prescription charges
- The costs of domestic help as you recovered.
Speak to us for free guidance. If you have a valid compensaiton claim
Is There A Time Limit To Make A Leg Injury Claim?
The standard time limit for starting a personal injury claim set out in the Limitation Act 1980 is three years. There can be variances to this, such as:
- Those who do not have the mental capacity to claim themselves can see the limitation period suspended indefinitely. The three-year period will start in the event that the claimant becomes mentally capable of pursuing their own proceedings.
- If the person is under 18 at the time of the injury, the time limit is suspended. Once they turn 18, they have three years to start a claim independently.
A litigation friend can start a claim on behalf of anyone who’s unable to do so themselves. This role is performed by an impartial and competent individual appointed by the courts.
If you have any questions about time limits for yourself or others, or if you wish to know more about the role of litigation friends, please speak to our team.
Claim Leg Injury At Work Compensation On A No Win No Fee Basis
Although you can claim without a solicitor, their advice and guidance can be very beneficial. At Personal Injury Claims Care, we work with a panel of personal injury solicitors who offer their services in a No Win No Fee capacity to help.
After a brief discussion with our team about eligibility, we could introduce you to a solicitor who might offer a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) under which you can work with them. This generally means that:
- There are no fees required upfront for their help
- Nothing needs to be paid for their services as the claim progresses
- If the claim fails, no fee is charged for the time the solicitors spent working on your claim
- A successful outcome requires a small amount to be deducted from the payout. This is subject to a legislative cap.
Learn more about how you could start your leg injury at work compensation claim this way by getting in touch with our team. You can:
- Call us for free on 0113 460 1216
- Find out more about making a claim online
- Access our live chat feature below.
Learn More About Claiming For Employer Negligence
As well as details on leg injury at work compensation claims, the resources below from our website offer more reading:
- Read about building site accident compensation claims
- Awards for brain damage accidents at work
- How to prevent an accident in the workplace
- Leg Injury Claims Explained
You can also read further helpful information from these resources:
- Read more from the NHS about a broken leg
- Information from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
- How to prevent slips and trips at work
Writer Jeff Wallow
Publisher Fern Stringer